60 Second Docs
While working at 60 Second Docs, I discovered and created compelling pitches for 10+ interesting characters in the world. I participated in the transcription, led bilingual interviews, as well as outsourcing for local production. Check out three of my most interesting projects with them!
Body Imperfection Artist
Spanish artist Cinta Tort Cantró paints on bodies with watercolors, tempera, and acrylics to change how we talk about women’s bodies. Her art explores themes typically seen as taboo among women, like period stains and stretch marks, encouraging women to embrace rather than reject them.
130k views, 7,049 likes
Fingerboard Maker
Martin Ehrenberger @martinehrenberger from Germany founded Blackriver the first supplier for professional fingerboarders, to provide finger athletes with tools of the trade like boards, parks, and obstacles.
75.2k views, 4,112 likes
Unconventional Babies for Sale
With polymer clay, vinyl, and silicone, artist Vincenzina Care sculpts realistic baby dolls with unusual appearances. Studying medical growth charts and journals, she twists metal wire and foil into the bases of her sculptures, from miniature to life-sized.
252k views, 5,482 likes